“We dedicate ourselves to humanity’s quest for longer, healthier, happier lives through the innovative use of technology to maintain life connectivity”


The game Changing app that monitors your Behavioural Pulse™

About Mentality - The App

About The Bow Team

Bow has been created by a team of deeply experienced experts in the fields of psychology, data science, AI tools, leading-edge technology platforms and apps. Previously, the Bow team also successfully rolled out large scale app based online consumer solutions in healthcare and financial services in selected international markets.

The team stands fully behind Bow and will continually expand Bow’s sources of data and fine tune Bow’s analytical skills to ensure you get the best result possible for your unique behavioural baseline and your personal situation.

Whole of Life Connectivity 

The key to Positive Mental Health Balance

An individual’s mental health status is continually changing and is influenced by many internal and external factors. While mental health status does oscillate over time, (deviating from a balanced mental status and back towards that balanced mental state), there are times when factors can push the individual’s mental state beyond the normal range of deviation from a balanced mental state which results in a deviation threshold being crossed that can be difficult or challenging, without external support, to return from. Once an individual has crossed this threshold they may subconsciously and subtly change their life connectivity resulting in them heading down a path that can end in significant mental health issues leading to and including loneliness.

Driven by a character named BOW along with his friends, Mentality by Cordouan Health is an artificial intelligence driven application for mobile phones that seeks to support individuals to maintain their positive mental health balance and support whole of life connectivity within a normal and healthy range.

BOW provides very early detection and intervention suggestions using
AI behavioural deviation analysis of data on the mobile phone to
promote mental health, life connectivity and prevent Loneliness. 

Cordouan Health Limited

A Digital Mental Health Company

Suite 3, Level 2, 66 Clarence Street, Sydney, 2000, Australia
71-75 Shelton St, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom

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